2017 BRC Medical Cover Rules

7.1: Medical And Veterinary Cover It is the responsibility of the organiser of any equestrian event to ensure that adequate medical and veterinary provision is provided . In order to ascertain what level of cover is required a risk assessment should be carried out which looks at the types of activity taking place, the number of competitors involved, the accessibility of the site, including the 

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7.1.1 Minimum Medical Cover for BRC Events All events and activities must have undergone a medical and veterinary risk assessment documented to establish appropriate levels and control measures in place prior to the event or activity and must take into account nature and number of persons attending, location environment, and type of activity and proximity of external medical and veterinary
(This list is not exhaustive)
Club or Open Show, Dressage, Riding Test Training Organisation Regulator or Voluntary Aid Society 2) BHS first aid course presented by Skillbase and booked through the BHS All first aiders must have an HSE approved first aid kit. (See Notes)
Club or Open Show, Show & Style Jumping (Includes Working Hunter and Arena Eventing (SJ Phase) Classes Training Organisation Regulator or Voluntary Aid Society 2) BHS first aid course presented by Skillbase and booked through the BHS All first aiders must have an HSE approved first aid kit. (See Notes)
Cross-Country – Cross- Registered and qualified Paramedic and/or Trauma
Country Phase Trained Doctor plus 4WD ambulance capable of moving a casualty from remote site using approved medical rescue equipment as deemed medically appropriate by attending medical staff.
Horse Trials – Cross- Country in addition to other phases Registered and qualified Paramedic and/or Trauma Trained Doctor plus 4WD ambulance capable of moving a casualty from remote site using approved medical rescue equipment as deemed medically appropriate by attending medical staff.
7.1.2 Minimum Medical Cover for BRC Area Qualifiers
Dressage & Riding Test following: 1) FAW Certificated Qualification accredited by Training Organisation Regulator or Voluntary Aid Society 2) BHS first aid course presented by Skillbase and booked through the BHS All first aiders must have an HSE approved first aid kit. (See Notes)
Show & Style Jumping trained
Cross-Country – Cross- Country Phase Registered and qualified Paramedic and/or Trauma Trained Doctor plus 4WD ambulance capable of moving a casualty from remote site using approved medical rescue equipment as deemed medically appropriate by attending medical staff.
Horse Trials – Cross- Country in addition to other phases Registered and qualified Paramedic and/or Trauma Trained Doctor plus 4WD ambulance capable of moving a casualty from remote site using approved medical rescue equipment as deemed medically appropriate by attending medical staff.
10 7 . An Notes: 1. Training Organisation Regulator (Ofqual, SQA or the Welsh Government) 2. Voluntary Aid Societies (St. John's, St Andrew's First Aid or British Red Cross) 3 Certificate (3 day initial or 2 day refresher) . FAW – First Aid at Work
4. All events and activities must have undergone a medical and veterinary risk assessment 5. BHS First Aid Certifi presented by Skillbase and booked through the BHS (2 day initial or 1 day refresher) BHS fi aid courses are presented by CHS training in Scotland and jointly issued by the BHS and Browne McKee partnership in Ireland. 6. All events and activities must have undergone a medical and veterinary risk assessment documented to establish appropriate levels and control measures in place prior to the event or activity taking into account; nature and number of persons attending, location environment, type of activity and proximity of external medical and veterinary services (This list is not exhaustive)
open show is classed as a competition where non-BRC members are allowed to compete or participate 8. Multiple phase events should treat each phase separately when establishing medical / veterinary cover – Horse Trials minimum three phases 9. Useful links: www.skillsforhealth.org.uk www.hse.gov.uk/firstaid HSE Ref L74 (2013)
. For insurance purposes, any first aiders used must be voluntary (paying expenses is acceptable) or an employee of the Riding Club. If a fee is paid, then the first aider becomes a contractor who would need their own insurance. 11. Any organiser wanting to use a professional with a' higher qualification than a FAW / BHS first aid, as the first aider, should contact the BRC office for further details. 12. It is the organiser's responsibility to ensure that the nominated first aider has the relevant qualifications.
See page148 of the BRC 2017 Handbook for more information.


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