British Riding Clubs Area 16 Area News

Stay up to date with all that is happening in and around our area.

Area 16 update

News from our Area Rep: Announced recently for anyone contemplating taking part in the Quadrille Selection – the dates have been pushed back from period 28th January to 28th February because of lockdown. Entries will now open at midday on 1st April and close on 15th April. As from today (Monday 18th January 2021) both Merlin and Beth are back on fu...
Following the recent announcement of another national lockdown in England from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December, we are saddened to announce that the current interpretation is that all BRC activity, bar virtual activity, must cease during this time. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes all activities run under the BRC banner, inc...
Our Intermediate Qualifiers on the 8th November 2020 at Arena UK is sadly postponed due to current uncertainty due to COVID-19 and the restricted Tier 3 within our area. We are currently working with Arena UK to find a suitable date within the new year, we will inform everyone as soon as possible. We know this could be of disappointment to all...
1st Rearsby Willow  2nd EMDG Oak 3rd EMDG Maple 4th Rearsby Beech  5th Tickhill Blue  6th Welton  Dressage sheets have been posted out but without Rossettes, Rossettes will be available to pick up at the intermediate quals on 8th November.
File Name: Novice-Dressage-Ind-Results-Area-16-updated-_20201015-050619_1 File Size: 25 kb Download File
File Name: Results-Nov-SJ-10.10.20-2 File Size: 11 kb Download File
File Name: Winter-Dressage File Size: 35 kb Download File File Name: show-jumping-oct-10 File Size: 24 kb Download File
We have a maximum capacity of 15 attendees per session. Currently we only have 5 signed up for this evening and 3 for next week so I would really appreciate your help in pushing this out to your areas as if we don't have enough participants we will not be able to run the clinics due to us asking external people to come in and participate. To book, ...
Just a few more updates regarding BRC Area 16 qualifiers. The Winter Dressage qualifier scheduled for Saturday 10th October has a changed format. This qualifier will now be Winter Novice Dressage and Winter Novice SJ – with no Combined Training qualifier – at AUK Showcentre. The Winter SJ qualifier scheduled for Sunday 8th November also has a chang...
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​BRC and the Advisory Committee have been looking at the viability of rescheduling/carrying over qualifications for the above events. Originally, we felt that it would only be possible to do this with the Novice Championships. However, we are a member driven organisation and due to the feedback from our intermediate competitors we have reconsidered...
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Dear All, A reminder again that the minimum payment of the BRC 2020 fees – the Insurance part – needs to paid into BRC Office at the latest by this coming Friday (31st January) to keep your members covered under the BRC Insurance requirements. To those clubs which have already paid the insurance, or the full amount due Thank you The 2020 BRC Handbo...
In total BRC will be running 4 leagues. These are the following: BRC BE league- affiliated with BEBRC British Show Jumping league- affiliated with BSBRC Grassroots Points league- new disciplines added for 2020!BRC Volunteer league All members need to be current 2020 BRC members to be entered into the leagues. The BRC BE league is for anyone who is ...
We will shortly be sending out Junior Area Representative nomination forms to riding clubs in each area. Area 7 has many junior reps who are thriving in this area. Please do get in contact with myself if you feel you need any help with the role or need it explaining further. At the moment, we have 1 or more junior area reps in areas 3, 7, 11, 12 an...
​Please download below File Name: ARENA-EVENTING-2019 File Size: 38 kb Download File
We're aware of questions that have been raised by some members over the incoming rule which mandates six monthly boosters against Equine Influenza (EI) (see rule changes below) and would like to provide further information about the rationale behind this decision. For much of 2019, the UK has been affected by outbreaks of EI with the number of case...
​Dear all, below are the start times for this Sunday's show jumping but before you peruse, please can you ask if any helpers are available to help on the day? If you or you know of anyone who could help in the following areas, don't delay, contact Roy today, your area and team members need your help which will ensure the event is a success!  C...
SJ1: QUALIFIER FORMAT Riders jump two rounds. Riders will jump the first round and then the second round separately. The second round will be run as a single phase competition, which will combine the second round and the jump-off. The first half of the course should be set at the second round height, with the second part of the course set at jump-o...
Dear All, Having been to Epworth this morning, the decision to postpone the AE qualifier until Sunday 1st December was taken. Primarily due to the predicted long period of rain over the next 24hrs. Although the arenas are currently suitable for competition, although one is wet, the rain forecast will create a safety issue. Therefore because of this...
Due to water on the arenas and more rain predicted over night and tomorrow, this qualifier has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for 1st December 2019. We apologise for this, but the weather is out of our control. If you have any questions, please contact Roy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. New date and information can be found here https://brcarea...
Please see below;  File Name: 2019-arena-eventing-times File Size: 36 kb Download File File Name: RIDER-CHANGE-FORMS File Size: 12 kb Download File
SEIB Winter Novice Qualifiers: Senior Intro A (Individuals) 1stAileen Sarahan Rafael Welton RC 2nd Rebecca SlowleyMalteser SNth Lincs RC 3rd Heather NicholsonBallyblack FootlooseNth Lincs RC 4th Rebecca KerryBlidworth Bucks FizzLongdale RC 5th Deborah MachinFinnegans CruiseRearsby Lodge RC Junior Intro A (Individuals) 1stCaitlyn BartlettAille Tinka...
Our area representative is at the end of their term and as such, elections for your area rep will be due to take place. Please find attached the nomination form and role description. All nominations must be sent back to head office by the 28 October 2019. If more than one nomination is received then a vote will take place administered by BRC head o...
Dear All, At the last BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee Meeting in my report I mentioned some changes for the Winter Championships. Please find these changes now attached and have a good read of them, as they are for Show Jumping, Combined Training, Challenge Qualifiers and Junior HT100. Hopefully they will be more appealing to our members than the "ol...
Please see below the Dressage & Show Jumping start times for this weekend.  File Name: dressage-times-summer-qualifiers-2019b File Size: 526 kb Download File File Name: show-jumping-times-summer-qualifiers-2019b File Size: 40 kb Download File
Senior 80 cm: Team: 1st Welton: Isobel Archer & Connie Lindsey Cussons & Beauchamp Best Becky Walker & Hammershaft Megan Coatsworth & Thunder 2nd N.Lincs Spitfires: Charlotte Chisholm & Polly Caroline Heard & Beechmount Frankel Rebecca Short & Grange Fidget Liz Pears & Natural Spirit 3rd EMDG Blue: Andrea P...
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​Catch some of your fellow Area 16'ers in action at the Championships; Louise Pepperdine from South Lincs Novice individual. Cath Cox & Gavin Scott from EMDG, & Rearsby Lodge both Novice pairs. Inspector Lesley Wheatley from Forces Equine Rosemary David
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​The EMDG Senior Open Dressage team of Becky Sisson with Magua (also 2nd in her section), Fiona Mcdonald with Spring into Business, Sally Beedham with Betsey Trotwood and Becky Mullan-Feroze with I Zingari were placed 2nd at the BRC NAF 5 star Championships.
Forces Equine No.196 has had a great write up in Rider Magazine and it shows our invite to all UK Riding Clubs to come and take on Forces Equine at its Championships, Forces Equine Games. This Championships also hosts our British Dressage Associated National Championships.  
​PC Wratten will be out riding in uniform and representing Forces Equine in her class at the Horse of the Year Show in Birmingham on 3rd October 2018 and the FEHQ team will be out showing support!
​Since the last BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee Meeting on 5th July it has been a fairly quiet period for Area 16 with all Qualifiers for the Summer Championships completed at end of June. At National level there have not been any BRC Advisory Committee Meetings during this time either, though it was agreed in August that for the Winter Novice SJ Qua...
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It's great to see our clubs doing so well what ever the level, Kylie set the bar and Megan came 8th and both from Howden Riding Club. These riders both attended the British Riding Clubs Championships at Lincolnshire Showground over the weekend of 1st & 2nd September 2018.  ​ Kylie Holt who won the 0.90m show jumpin...
We have recently been reviewing the Winter Novice 80cm Show Jumping Qualifier and Championships. Following this review it has been agreed that Individuals will be allowed to compete in both the Area Qualifiers and Championships. This rule change now brings the Winter Novice Show Jumping into line with all the SJ Qualifiers and will apply to the BRC...
Hi All, I am a little short of people at Lincoln. I am in need of the following: Dressage Writers Style Jumping Writers Dressage Stewards Show Jumping Scorers (input into a computer, located in the judges box) SJ Collecting Rings Could you please spread the word for me around your areas, just in case someone is coming already to the Champs that cou...
"On Sunday 19th August Areas 2, 4 and 16 held their annual championships for dressage and show jumping. There were over 200 entries with classes from walk/trot tests to elementary in a long arena; with heights from 60 to 100 in the show jumping. The emphasis is team competitions althoughindividuals were included were ever possible.Some decisions ar...
Dear All, I am hoping this will make some members who are not confident enough to be in a Team very happy! ? We have recently been reviewing the Winter Novice 80cm Show Jumping Qualifier and Championships. Following this review it has been agreed that Individuals will be allowed to compete in both the Area Qualifiers and Championships. This rule ch...
​"We were super proud to see our member win her class this year, emotions were high and it was such an honour for us and our member!" said Debi Heath French.
BRC 2018 Horse Trial Championships – Area 16 Results. Following the BRC Horse Trial Championships at Swalcliffe Park EC, below are the Team and Individual placings for BRC Area 16 Clubs. Well done to everyone who Qualified and Congratulations to those who brought home Trophies and rosettes! NAF Profeet Junior HT80: Individuals Arena 7: 9th Jessica ...
Report by Lucy Elder - Horse & Hound "We've never really won anything!" laughed Horse & Hound Festival of Dressage's elementary champion Lesley Wheatley.Lesley, an inspector at Northumbria Police, produced two consistent tests aboard her 18.2hh chestnut Furst Lazlo to win the championship, sponsored by Wow Saddles.The pair won the first cha...
Hello all you lovely BRC Area 16 Members! We are looking for some-one to take on the role of Honorary Treasurer for the BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee. Although not an onerous role, it does require the person to attend the BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee Meetings and present the accounts. It is also useful if you are able to attend any BRC Area 16 Qua...
NAF Profeet Senior HT 80: Teams: 1st  EMDG - Blair 2nd Rearsby Lodge 3rd North Lincs - Spitfires 4th  North Lincs - Bombers Individuals: 1st Eve-Marie Manchon & Belvoirs First Project        EMDG - Burgham 2nd Charlotte Chisholm & Polly                      ...
​ 'Come and see us in the Lorry Park this weekend and collect a FREE bag of SPILLERS® Treats!'
17th June at Arena UK NAF "The Magic" Senior Open Dressage: Teams: 1st EMDG Blue 2nd EMDG Yellow 3rd Rearsby Lodge Willow 4th Howden 5th North Lincs Bombers 6th EMDG Red Individuals Novice 23: 1stLaura Watts & Jente GNorth Lincs Bombers 2ndAndrew Lovell & Maid Of Courage TooTickhill 3rdMegan Page & IlonaHowden 4...
PleaseNote: Duringwriting up of the results for BRC to process, errors were found in some ShowJumping Classes which affected the minor placings for both Teams and Individualsin some classes.   TheSenior and Junior Style Jumping Classes have both been re-calculated, as aresult of errors found. These changes affect both Team and Individual posit...
Hi All, Nominations are now open for the Leo Harris Award. Please find attached the nomination form and the criteria which must be met in order to nominate someone. This will be sent out in E-News to members so that they can also nominate within their club if they want to. Please circulate this throughout your areas. Any nominations must be returne...
​14th & 15th April @ Arena UK I am a little bit short on helpers for the Novice Champs at Arena UK. I am short of dressage writers on both Saturday and Sunday (Sunday more so). I am also looking for a Dressage Steward on Saturday for a full day and Sunday for the morning. Anne is no longer available to join Carolyn, Jeff and Sally in scorers so...
​Dear All, BRC area 16 FotH Challenge Qualifier – re-arranged. We have been in contact with all our Medical providers for competitors and horses and managed to find a date and venue when everyone along with is available. The re-arranged date the FotH Challenge Qualifier is SATURDAY 24th March 2018. The venue is Epworth EC. We will be providing all ...
​Please note, following some confusion please see below the rule amend with immediate effect with regards to competitor numbers. The following competitor numbers must be worn at BRC events: Discipline Competitor Numbers Permitted Dressage One back number or bridle / saddle pad numbers on both sides SJ One back number Horse Trials A bib number on th...
 Please find links below to the BRC Grassroots Dressage Training; File Name: BRC-2018-Grassroots-Training-Booking-Form-2018 File Size: 194 kb Download File
Dear Riding Club Chairperson and Secretary, Following the rule update from BE regarding rider falls, BRC would like to clarify that we will not be adopting this rule for the 2018 season. All BRC qualifiers and championships will be run with the same fall rule as last year. For further information, please see the current 2018 BRC Handbook.
BRC Area 16Kbis Winter Novice Dressage Qualifier Results - 7th October 2017 Senior Team: 1stEMDG 3 Becky Sisson & Magua Sarah Bache & Sarah Fiona Macdonald & Spring into Business Sally Beedham & Branchfield Jane 2nd North Lincs Bombers Alex McNamara & Captain Claire Colebrook & Jackpot V Aderyn Walker & Clio Z Sonia Burl...
Keep doing what you do parents as you do a great job! 
Dear all, we now have the upcoming events for the upcoming year on our website. These may change so please check back occssionally. Schedules and other information will be added when we get it. View here Dressage times for 7th October 2017 at Arena UK can be found here
The TopSpec BRC Dressage to Music Championships over the weekend 29th September to 1st October brought the BRC Championships for 2017 to a close. The only Championship still to take place is the Quadrille and this will be part of Bury Farm's Gala Evening a little later in October and not as a separate BRC Championship. Congratulations to everyone w...
Congratulations to all the Riders who were successful at the BRC NAF National Championships. Once again BRC Area 16 Clubs have done themselves justice at a National Championship! With some Clubs carrying on from where they left off at the Horse Trial Championship a month ago! For those who were not quite so successful, Congratulations on qualifying...
Please note that the next meeting due to be held this week has now been postponed to THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER 2017 but still at the Great Northern Inn as before. I've attached a revised Agenda. Minutes to follow but needed to let you know of change of date asap so please let anyone know who may have been coming to the meeting but is not on the email lis...
Following the extremely successful 2017 NAF sponsored BRC Horse Trial Championships over the weekend below are BRC Area 16 Team & Individual Placings. The final results are listed below. Sadly the HT80 Junior & Senior Teams did not feature in the top 10 placings, neither did we have any Senior Individuals in this class. In all other classes...
pdf File Name: AREA-16-TRAINING-v23050.pdf File Size: 332 kb Download File ​Click to download the flyer
BRC Area 16 Show and Style Jumping 2017 Qualifier Results. Senior 70cm Show Jumping Results: Teams: 1st South Lincs 4 faults 2nd North Lincs 12 faults 3rd EMDG Eagles42 faults Individuals: 1st Theresa Clarke South Lincs 2nd Felicity Saint South Lincs 3rd Sara HudsonNorth Lincs 4th Anne Gretton Blidworth 5th Angela HardwickEMDG Eagles 6th Alison Bou...
Dear Area 16, Alan Hiscox, the BHS Director of Safety has very kindly offered to attend any Club / Area evenings to talk about the recent BHS 'Dead Slow - Riders Responsibilities' campaign. The presentation lasts approximately 45 minutes with the option of a Q & A session afterwards. This presentation is very interactive and will update and inf...
Senior Open Dressage: Team places 1st South Lincs Hornets 4 points 2nd North Lincs Bombers8 points 3rd Rearsby Lodge9 points 4th Rutland 12 points (all 4 scores to count = 18 points) 5th Tickhill12 points ( all 4 scores to count = 19 points) 6th North Lincs Spitfires12 points (only 3 scores to count) Senior Individuals – Novice 24 1st Charlotte Thr...
Hello All, For 2018 the Novice Winter Championship will take place at Arena UK, Grantham, NG32 2EF. The Championship will take place on 14 and 15 April 2018. A little later due to the Easter Holidays. This move does mean that we can remove the stipulation of one rider per test. Due to the extra space we will be able to take the highest placed rider...
Dear BRC Club / Centre / Official, This is a very difficult email to have to write. We are sending you this correspondence in light of the recent horrific incident in Manchester. Whilst we understand that this is an awful subject to have to cover, we wanted to provide some support regarding any concerns of how these types of incidents could affect ...
Dear BRC Club, We are delighted to announce that we are holding a Sport England funded 'Club Matters' Workshop here at BHS HQ (Stoneleigh, Warks, CV8 2XZ). The workshop is called 'Understanding the Tax Requirements for your Club People' and is on Wednesday 31 May at 1800-2000. The attached poster has further details. This is a FREE course and is op...
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A reminder that the Grass Roots Show Jumping training takes place at Epworth EC this coming Sunday (7th June). I have attached the application form and Information Flyer. POSTER BOOKING FORM
Hi All, I have been sending out direct to areas when a training opportunity comes up with British Eventing. However they have just added several more dates and wanted to draw everyone's attention to them, as dates are being added weekly now. The Access All Areas are a great way to see what goes on behind the scenes at a BE Event. You get to see mos...
pdf File Name: CTMarch2017results.pdf File Size: 193 kb Download File
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file File Name: Horse-Trials-2017---Results-10_20170322-141251_1.pdf File Size: 24 kb Download File file File Name: Horse-Trials-2017---Results-100.pdf File Size: 30 kb Download File file File Name: Horse-Trials-2017---Results-90.pdf File Size: 35 kb Download File file File Name: Horse-Trials-2017---Results-80.pdf File Size: 38 kb Download File
pdf File Name: JUNIOR-PLACES.pdf File Size: 343 kb Download File file File Name: SENIORS-ELIM-49.pdf File Size: 326 kb Download File file File Name: SENIORS-MED--AM.pdf File Size: 317 kb Download File file File Name: SENIORS-NOVICE-30.pdf File Size: 325 kb Download File file File Name: SENIORS-NOVICE-34.pdf File Size: 327 kb Download File file File...
Well done to Rearsby (Juniors) and Ralfie Timmins from North Lincs and North Lincs (Seniors) and Emma Jo Thorpe from Forces Equine for qualifying for the Championships at Bury Farm at the end of April. pdf File Name: AREA-2017-SJ-QUAL-RESULTS.pdf File Size: 383 kb Download File
This year BRC Area 16 has been offered an additional Grassroots Training Day. Although we had one last year for x-c this year it is for Grassroots Show Jumping and will be at Epworth EC on Sunday 7th May. Please post on your Websites / Social Media pages so that all members have an opportunity to apply! The southern part of BRC Area 4 are also invi...
7. Employee means:- (a) any person who has entered into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship with the Insured; (b) any labour-master and/or person supplied by him; (c) any person employed by a labour-only subcontractor; (d) any self-employed person; (e) any person who is hired to or borrowed by the Insured; (f) any driver or opera...
If you have not had one, we thought this maybe of use for download.....
​ Although the training is being organised by Yorkshire Sport Foundation, it is not specify the course is only for Yorkshire based clubs.
Since our last meeting in November 2016 most Clubs will have held their AGM's and some Committees will have changed. So, a reminder once again - Please update any changes to your Club Officer records with BRC Office if you have not already done so, otherwise any information mailed to Clubs may not reach the correct person. Any email address changes...
​7.1: Medical And Veterinary Cover It is the responsibility of the organiser of any equestrian event to ensure that adequate medical and veterinary provision is provided . In order to ascertain what level of cover is required a risk assessment should be carried out which looks at the types of activity taking place, the number of competitors involve...
  The next Area meeting is on 23rd March 2017, commencing at 19.45hrs
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