British Eventing Access All Areas

Hi All,

I have been sending out direct to areas when a training opportunity comes up with British Eventing. However they have just added several more dates and wanted to draw everyone's attention to them, as dates are being added weekly now.

The Access All Areas are a great way to see what goes on behind the scenes at a BE Event. You get to see most areas of a horse trials from control to scoring to start. The day will also include a cross country course walk. Most of the days are free as made possible using funding from Sport England, granted by the British Equestrian Federation to the British Eventing Charitable Foundation. Some of the larger events may be £10 (generally International competitions).

It would potentially be great for clubs who run horse trials locally and would like to see how BE run their events, so please pass the details around your area. I will try and do an email every few weeks when more dates are added to keep you all posted.

New areas added this week are:







So please have a look. The more these dates fill up, the more they run.

Many Thanks


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