Changes to Show Jumping, Combined Training, Challenge Qualifiers and Junior HT100.

Dear All,

At the last BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee Meeting in my report I mentioned some changes for the Winter Championships.

Please find these changes now attached and have a good read of them, as they are for Show Jumping, Combined Training, Challenge Qualifiers and Junior HT100.

Hopefully they will be more appealing to our members than the "old rules" for these particular Qualifiers and will come into effect from 1st October 2019 (1st September for FotH Challenge).

Please do pass onto your Club Members as although the changes will be published in Rider and a BRC E-news for the CT Qualifier on 5th October, the closing date for prelim entries is mid-September.

Hope everything makes sense! 😊

Best wishes


Area 16 area representative nominations are open!
Summer qualifier times for 13th & 14th July 2019

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