Offer of a free evening talk for BRC Clubs and Areas

Dear Area 16,

Alan Hiscox, the BHS Director of Safety has very kindly offered to attend any Club / Area evenings to talk about the recent BHS 'Dead Slow - Riders Responsibilities' campaign.

The presentation lasts approximately 45 minutes with the option of a Q & A session afterwards. This presentation is very interactive and will update and inform riders of the Dead Slow Campaign and how the BHS is encouraging riders to know their responsibilities, as well as drivers, in order to increase the safety of vulnerable road users, with updates regarding how we are working with the Motor Cycle Industry and Cycling UK.

When these presentations have been organised for BHS committees, the local police and even some legal representatives have been involved and have been happy to come along and also take part in the session. This is something that could certainly be replicated should a BRC Area / Club wish.

The sessions would need to be organised by the Area / Clubs themselves, but the BHS Safety Department can certainly assist with this.

The presentations that have already been done have attracted audiences of 60/70 and have been very well received.

There is no cost for Alan's time or travel, so it's a really good opportunity to put on an interesting and informative talk for members.

If anyone is interested, please contact Alan directly This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Emily, the Safety Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Best wishes,



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