Uupdates regarding BRC Area 16 qualifiers

Just a few more updates regarding BRC Area 16 qualifiers.

  1. The Winter Dressage qualifier scheduled for Saturday 10th October has a changed format. This qualifier will now be Winter Novice Dressage and Winter Novice SJ – with no Combined Training qualifier – at AUK Showcentre.
  2. The Winter SJ qualifier scheduled for Sunday 8th November also has a changed format. This qualifier will now be Winter Intermediate Dressage and Winter Intermediate SJ at AUK Showcentre.
  3. The Combined Training qualifier will be re-scheduled for March 2021 as a "stand alone" qualifier at a venue TBC.
  4. The Arena Eventing qualifier remains as previously organised at Speetley EC on Saturday 17th October.

Also, a reminder for Clubs entering the DtM qualifier – Flu Vacc certificates MUST be e-mailed to Jan Pollard by 12 noon on Thursday 20th August. Thank you to those Clubs which have already sent these to Jan

Jan's email:

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Best wishes


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