2019 Winter SJ Qualifier format and rules.

SJ1: QUALIFIER FORMAT Riders jump two rounds. Riders will jump the first round and then the second round separately. The second round will be run as a single phase competition, which will combine the second round and the jump-off. The first half of the course should be set at the second round height, with the second part of the course set at jump-off height. The course should be timed in two parts, with the second half being recorded as the jump-off. If necessary the first half of the round can be timed manually depending on the availability of timing equipment. The jump-off will follow straight on from the first part of the course without stopping. All team and individual members (unless the individual is eliminated in first round) will go forward to the second part of the second round (jump-off) unless eliminated in the first half. The second half of the second round (the jump-off) will be classed as both the team and individual jump-off. An area may choose to run a separate jump-off at the end of the class for individuals and use the second part of the second round as the jump-off for teams only (this will be at the areas discretion and must be relayed to competitors on the schedule).

Should a team member be eliminated before reaching the jump-off phase in the second round they will not continue forward to the jump-off section and the team will continue as a team of three. The Official Steward reserves the right to stop anyone who is in multiple classes if BRC feel the horse's welfare is compromised.


Riders jump two rounds. Riders will jump the first round and then a separate second round. If equality exists for first place then there will be a jump-off for teams and a separate jump-off for individuals. All team members will be required to jump-off. The Official Steward reserves the right to stop anyone who is in multiple classes if BRC feel the horse's welfare is compromised.

SJ1.4.1: Single Phase Course for Qualifiers

For qualifiers the second round will be split into a combined second round andjumpoff. The first half of the course should be set at 5cm higher than the first round height.

The jump-off part of the course should be set at 10cm higher than the first round height at the discretion of the official steward.

Number of fences should be equally split between the two parts and where possible both sections should contain a double, this could be the same as the first part of the course so fences could be jumped twice provided they are jumped in the correct direction and it is safe to do so. It is recommended that at least 2 fences are changed between classes (including seniors and juniors) where possible. Careful consideration should be taken where horses are shared between seniors and juniors or a horse is competing at more than one height in the same ring.

SJ1.8.3: Ties of Teams

At qualifiers, all team members will have jumped the jump-off section of round two unless eliminated to create a team score. The best three scoring competitors in each team will decide the places. In the event of a tie the fourth rider's jump-off score will be the deciding factor, so a team of three will be placed lower than a team of four. Where a fourth rider is eliminated in the jump-off the team of three will be placed above a team whose rider was eliminated in the second round before reaching the jump-off section.

Appendix 8

Number of fences for National Championships at qualifiers will remain the same (8 – 12) but for Winter Championships at qualifiers this will change from 8 – 10 to 8 – 12. Qualifiers will ensure that the second round has a reasonable number of fences for both sections of the second round/jump-off to ensure smooth progression to the championships.

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