EPWORTH : A word from our Area Rep - entries will re-open!

Dear All,

Having been to Epworth this morning, the decision to postpone the AE qualifier until Sunday 1st December was taken. Primarily due to the predicted long period of rain over the next 24hrs. Although the arenas are currently suitable for competition, although one is wet, the rain forecast will create a safety issue. Therefore because of this risk - and to prevent unnecessary travelling - the joint decision between Epworth and myself to postpone was taken today.

Whilst this may cause complications for some members with the new date, there regrettably was no alternative.

On the positive side, entries will re-open for a short time, perhaps enabling those who were not able to compete on the original date the opportunity to now do so.

Best wishes


2019 Winter SJ Qualifier format and rules.
Epworth Arena Eventing Qualifier **CANCELLED**

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