A reminder again that the minimum payment of the BRC 2020 fees & other news

Dear All,

A reminder again that the minimum payment of the BRC 2020 fees – the Insurance part – needs to paid into BRC Office at the latest by this coming Friday (31st January) to keep your members covered under the BRC Insurance requirements. To those clubs which have already paid the insurance, or the full amount due Thank you

The 2020 BRC Handbooks will be sent out from the BRC Office when the payment has been received.

Anyone wishing to compete in the FotH Challenge Qualifier must be a 2020 paid up member of your club and they must be declared to BRC as members by Prelim Entry closing date (15th February).

Following the Winter Dressage / SJ / Arena Eventing Qualifiers some members have had their results disqualified due to ineligibility of horses. It is important to save disappointment that Team Managers check the eligibility of horses / riders prior to including the members into teams.

Eligibility rules have moved in the 2020 Handbook from G6.3 to CR Appendix 2 and CR Appendix 3 (pages 93 to 98).

Following the last BRC Area 16 Liaison Meeting and election of BRC Area 16 Liaison Committee Officers, I am pleased to inform you Alex Batty is now in the role of BRC Area 16 Training Officer. Some of you will have already met Alex helping out at a couple of the Winter Qualifiers as Volunteer Co-ordinator.

I have attached the 2020 BRC Area 16 Qualifier dates / venues and also BRC Championship dates / venues as a few members are beginning to ask for this information.

Also attached are Handbook rule amendments.

Best wishes


File Name: BRC-Area-16-2020-Qualifier--Championship-Dates-for-2020
File Size: 27 kb
Download File
File Name: Rule-Amendments-2020-v-2
File Size: 15 kb
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Statement from British Riding Clubs re the Coronav...
BRC Leagues 2020

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