BRC Leagues 2020

In total BRC will be running 4 leagues. These are the following:

  • BRC BE league- affiliated with BE
  • BRC British Show Jumping league- affiliated with BS
  • BRC Grassroots Points league- new disciplines added for 2020!
  • BRC Volunteer league

All members need to be current 2020 BRC members to be entered into the leagues.

The BRC BE league is for anyone who is a member of both BE and BRC and are competing in the following classes:

  • Novice
  • Open Novice
  • Novice U18 Section
  • Intermediate
  • Open Intermediate
  • Intermediate U18 Section

There is a section for riders with multiple horses and another for riders with one horse. Members need to Opt In to be entered into the league and the Opt in form can be found attached to this email. Once a member has opted in they do not need to do anything else, apart from go out and compete! The league runs from the start of the BE season ( 1 March) until the end of the season (31 October). The closing date for members to send in their opt in forms is the 30 September, forms received after this date may not be accepted.

BRC British Show Jumping league runs from the 1 January - 31 December each year. The leagues highlight all members that are also a member of BS and sit within either the British Show Jumping Bronze or Silver leagues. Members are automatically entered into the league and results are added onto the BS website.

More details can be found by following the link below:

The BRC Grassroots Points league has had a complete re-vamp for 2020. Two new sections have been added to the league- Combined Training and Cross-Country to the already existing Dressage and Show Jumping sections. Please note this league is only for clubs events and not BRC qualifiers and championships! Members will need to fill out their league card, and send it to BRC HQ by the 7th of the following month. The score cards can be found attached to this email. (please note that there is 2 score cards, one for Dressage and Combined Training and another for Show Jumping and Cross Country). The league will commence on 1 January 2020 and finish on 31 October 2020.

  • The Show Jumping height has been changed from 60cm- 70cm to 50cm- 60cm (starting height). This is due to the new 70cm classes being added to the BRC championships. To be eligible to compete horses should have 0 full BS and BE points and no BS club points at 80cm or above.
  • The Dressage section has remained the same as 2019 and it if for riders competing at Intro and Prelim and must not have any BD points.
  • Combined Training is the new addition to the league and includes riders competing in Intro or Prelim classes with a jumping height of 50cm-60cm SJ.
  • The Cross- Country section is another addition to the GR league and this for 50cm-60cm classes. Arena Eventing, Hunter Trials and One-Day Event will also count towards the league. Horses may not have any BE points- full or foundation.

The BRC Volunteer league has remained the same as previous years and it requires BRC volunteers to write down their volunteer work and work out how many hours they have volunteered for. There is 3 sections to the league and what league you are entered in depends on the type of work that has been done (members can be added into multiple sections). Full details on the different sections can be found by following the link below. Members will need to fill in their forms and send it to BRC HQ by the 7th of the following month. The league will commence on 1 January 2020 and finish on 31 October 2020.

A reminder again that the minimum payment of the B...
Junior Area Representative nomination forms

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