British Riding Clubs Area 16 Area News

Stay up to date with all that is happening in and around our area.

Area 16 area representative nominations are open!

Our area representative is at the end of their term and as such, elections for your area rep will be due to take place. Please find attached the nomination form and role description. All nominations must be sent back to head office by the 28 October 2019. If more than one nomination is received then a vote will take place administered by BRC head o...
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2463 Hits

Rule Change Summary

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2526 Hits

The East Midlands Dressage Group grab some great prizes

​The EMDG Senior Open Dressage team of Becky Sisson with Magua (also 2nd in her section), Fiona Mcdonald with Spring into Business, Sally Beedham with Betsey Trotwood and Becky Mullan-Feroze with I Zingari were placed 2nd at the BRC NAF 5 star Championships.
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3916 Hits

Forces Equine get a write up in this months Rider Magazine

Forces Equine No.196 has had a great write up in Rider Magazine and it shows our invite to all UK Riding Clubs to come and take on Forces Equine at its Championships, Forces Equine Games. This Championships also hosts our British Dressage Associated National Championships.  
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Forces Equine member PC Philippa Wratten Jumping To Success and qualifies for HOYS

​PC Wratten will be out riding in uniform and representing Forces Equine in her class at the Horse of the Year Show in Birmingham on 3rd October 2018 and the FEHQ team will be out showing support!
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Howden Riding Club trip the light fantastic at the British Riding Clubs Championships.

It's great to see our clubs doing so well what ever the level, Kylie set the bar and Megan came 8th and both from Howden Riding Club. These riders both attended the British Riding Clubs Championships at Lincolnshire Showground over the weekend of 1st & 2nd September 2018.  ​ Kylie Holt who won the 0.90m show jumpin...
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Forces Equine member PC Charlotte Lee & Zarina win's their Global Champions Tour class in London representing Forces Equine

​"We were super proud to see our member win her class this year, emotions were high and it was such an honour for us and our member!" said Debi Heath French.
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2504 Hits

Forces Equine member Inspector Lesley Wheatley wins Horse & Hound Festival of Dressage

Report by Lucy Elder - Horse & Hound "We've never really won anything!" laughed Horse & Hound Festival of Dressage's elementary champion Lesley Wheatley.Lesley, an inspector at Northumbria Police, produced two consistent tests aboard her 18.2hh chestnut Furst Lazlo to win the championship, sponsored by Wow Saddles.The pair won the first cha...
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2789 Hits
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