"On Sunday 19th August Areas 2, 4 and 16 held their annual championships for dressage and show jumping. There were over 200 entries with classes from walk/trot tests to elementary in a long arena; with heights from 60 to 100 in the show jumping.
The emphasis is team competitions althoughindividuals were included were ever possible.Some decisions are not always popular but when applied to all are fair.
There were lots of smiling faces and thank you's from competitors.
Now it is my turn to say thank you to:-
1, all who came and competed yesterday.
2, to our hosts, for their fantastic work to have the arenas well covered with green grass !!
3, scorers, judges and course builders who kept the show on the road.
4, the many volunteers who came and helped.
5, to the organising committee for giving up their free time, not just over this weekend but during the planning stages during the year.
Finally we had lost an integral part from a wheel lock in the long grass on Saturday, an urgent plea for a metal detector went out.On Sunday after doing his dressage test the said part was located, so Dave Reynolds, you saved the day, many thanks.
Richard Thompson, chairman. "
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